Full Novel Evaluation

You’re working on a middle grade or YA novel that you love. It’s a story that speaks to you, that you believe in, that you want to get into the world.

However, you suspect (or know) it needs more work.

You need feedback on it. Someone who will tell you the truth—kindly. Someone who understands how stories work. Someone who can help you figure out how to fix yours.

What a full novel evaluation includes

  • An editorial letter that details the manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses, with the weaknesses grouped in categories from most significant to less, plus specific suggestions about next steps to guide your revision

  • Detailed comments and suggestions on the first 20 pages to help you see where a reader has questions or where something is beautifully done

  • A one-hour Zoom call to discuss my feedback with you, answer your questions, and help you plan your next steps on the manuscript

What you’ll come away with

  • A clear plan for your revision so you know what to do next, on your own

  • Enough detail to motivate you but not so much that you feel overwhelmed

How a full novel evaluation works


Assuming we’re a good creative match (see below), I’ll ask you to submit 2 things:

  1. Your novel manuscript as a Word or Google document in standard manuscript format (12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins)

  2. A completed mini blueprint that describes your story in one short page (I’ll provide the directions and the form)

I’ll take 10 to 14 days to read your work and then send my feedback via email a few days before our scheduled Zoom call. Our Zoom meeting will be recorded for you and the audio uploaded to a Google drive for you to download.


.035 cents per word, using the word count feature in Microsoft Word

For example, a 50,000-word manuscript would cost $1,750.

How to start working together

Are we a good creative match? Let’s find out!

Please fill out this form (doc) and email it, along with the first 10 pages of the novel manuscript, to bookcoach@micheleregenold.com.