
Scope of my work with writers

I provide coaching and editorial services to novelists. This may include comments on the manuscript itself, a detailed editorial letter, and a coaching call to discuss written feedback.

I will keep your work confidential and won’t share it without your permission. I may ask you for permission to talk about your work and our professional relationship for marketing purposes.

I give no guarantee that as a result of our work together you will become published.

How I work with writers—the nitty gritty logistics

Communication: We will communicate by email and by Zoom calls on a regular schedule, with the frequency dependent on the package you choose.

Appointments: I use an online scheduler and may send you a link to it to set up our regular schedule of Zoom calls. Except in the case of an emergency, I will give at least 24 hours’ notice if I need to reschedule a call. If you need to reschedule a call because of an emergency, please email me as soon as possible.

Deadlines: It is your responsibility to meet deadlines. Your submissions will be due by 8 a.m. Central Time on the Monday(s) we’ve agreed on. If you miss a submission deadline, I will not be able to evaluate your submission until the following Monday, and you may have to forfeit your coaching call.

Fees and Payments: My fee for the service you choose will be clearly stated in the contract and on my website, www.micheleregenold.com. Payment should be made monthly through PayPal and will continue for as long as we both feel the work is beneficial.