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To read about another writer’s journey through writing, revising, querying, and learning
To see photos of my dogs 😉
To read about specific craft issues from the point of view of a book coach/experienced writer who wants to help other writers improve their craft

How Habits Help You Accomplish Your Goals
Happy 2023! What do you want to accomplish with your writing this year? A couple of months ago, I wrote about setting smart writing goals. I also shared that my goal for my current work-in-progress, a middle grade mystery, is to complete a first draft by March 31, 2023.

Have You Made Writing a Habit Yet? Building a consistent writing practice takes time and effort
A few months ago, I set the intention of building a consistent fiction writing practice. I wanted to make it a habit (see my first blog post). I’m about 100 days into this new practice. Dare I call it a habit?

Make It a Habit: How to develop a writing routine one tiny step at a time
I decided that my new habit is to move straight into fiction writing immediately after completing my morning page. My daily, baby-step fiction goal is either 250 words of new draft material or 30 minutes of brainstorming, planning, or revising.