Welcome to My Blog/Newsletter
Why subscribe?
To read about another writer’s journey through writing, revising, querying, and learning
To see photos of my dogs 😉
To read about specific craft issues from the point of view of a book coach/experienced writer who wants to help other writers improve their craft
Inspired by Elizabeth George’s Mastering the Process
I can never get enough of reading about how other writers write, so when I recently stumbled onto Elizabeth George’s Mastering the Process: From Idea to Novel (Viking, 2020), I eagerly dug in.
My Outline Has Revealed a Plot Flaw
I’m approaching the revision of my middle grade zoo mystery in a methodical, strategic way. The tool I’m using first is an Inside Outline.
A Strategic Novel Revision Begins
Ah, revision. This is my favorite part of writing. Now that I have words on the page, I can let my inner editor out to play.