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To read about another writer’s journey through writing, revising, querying, and learning

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When Slow Is Good
revision, mindset Michele Regenold revision, mindset Michele Regenold

When Slow Is Good

But now, moving slowly and strategically through the story to revise Shadow scenes, I’ve discovered that a number of these walk-on characters can either be cut altogether, or I can give their dialogue to Shadow instead.

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A Challenging Year with My Agent
mindset Michele Regenold mindset Michele Regenold

A Challenging Year with My Agent

In April 2022 I signed a contract with a literary agent. It was thrilling!
Since her offer of representation happened quickly, I expected other things to happen quickly too. In particular, I expected to get some notes from her on the manuscript so I could revise and then we could go out on submission.
But that didn’t happen.

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Shiny Object Syndrome: When Distractions Try to Derail Your Progress
mindset Michele Regenold mindset Michele Regenold

Shiny Object Syndrome: When Distractions Try to Derail Your Progress

You’re writing along, making excellent progress on your draft or your revision, and then wham!

You get the most stunning idea for a novel! It demands your attention. It keeps you from falling asleep at night. It dances around in front of you when you’re trying to work on your current work-in-progress.

This is shiny object syndrome.

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The Challenge of Compare and Despair
mindset Michele Regenold mindset Michele Regenold

The Challenge of Compare and Despair

Until a few weeks ago, I’d never heard the phrase “compare and despair.” But I’ve certainly done my share of comparing myself to others and then despairing about how little I’ve accomplished. What an awful trap to fall into. It can be hard to pull ourselves out of it. I try to remind myself that life isn’t a competition. Neither is writing.

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A Story of Perseverance
mindset Michele Regenold mindset Michele Regenold

A Story of Perseverance

Writing a novel is also full of obstacles and challenges. It is work. Just like recovering my athletic ability is work. We don’t need inspiration to get our work done. We just need to show up.

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