Plot Flaw, Part 2, Or How to Let Your Subconscious Do Some of the Work
novel structure, receiving feedback Michele Regenold novel structure, receiving feedback Michele Regenold

Plot Flaw, Part 2, Or How to Let Your Subconscious Do Some of the Work

A couple of weeks ago I found a plot flaw as I worked on the inside outline of my zoo mystery. It was a little alarming given how carefully I thought I’d planned things.

Nevertheless, I told myself not to worry about it for the time being. I’d let my subconscious have a go at it while I wrote the “because of that” explanation pieces to make sure the scenes are causally linked.

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Writing Craft: Save the Cat! Writes a Novel
novel structure, reading Michele Regenold novel structure, reading Michele Regenold

Writing Craft: Save the Cat! Writes a Novel

I have a fondness for books on the craft of writing. I like reading about other writers’ tussles with different elements of story and what they’ve learned as a result. The ones I enjoy the most and the ones I think I’ll continue to learn from find a permanent home on my book shelves. Save the Cat! Writes a Novel (Ten Speed Press, 2018) by Jessica Brody is one of these.

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