Writing a Novel Series for Kids, Part 2
characters Michele Regenold characters Michele Regenold

Writing a Novel Series for Kids, Part 2

I don’t think I can write about series fiction for kids without first talking about Harry Potter. (If you’ve never ready any Harry Potter, you’re missing out on a huge influence on the kid lit world.)
The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling is, at least according to Mental Floss, the best-selling book series of all time.

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Pageboy, a Memoir by Elliot Page
characters Michele Regenold characters Michele Regenold

Pageboy, a Memoir by Elliot Page

Pageboy, a memoir by Elliot Page, caught my eye as I scanned the new book shelves at my local library. Page is a transgender man formerly known as Ellen Page, the actor, who I first saw in the film Juno.

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Building Your Characters’ World
characters Michele Regenold characters Michele Regenold

Building Your Characters’ World

Rowling and Collins had to think through their world’s history, government, technology/magic, and social customs. Those kinds of concerns are often thought of as belonging to fantasy, science fiction, and historical fiction. But novels set in the realistic here and now may also use these issues to compelling effect.

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Character Interviews as a Revision Tool
characters Michele Regenold characters Michele Regenold

Character Interviews as a Revision Tool

I’ve been working on character interviews for my middle grade dog novel to help clarify my characters’ wants and needs and what’s at stake for them. I wanted to ease into the interviews like I would for a real human being, not just ask them what they want and why.

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A Different Kind of Character Study
characters, reading Michele Regenold characters, reading Michele Regenold

A Different Kind of Character Study

People are fascinating. Why do they do the things they do? I can make up all sorts of motivations and back stories for my fictional characters, but is it believable? Sometimes that’s hard to judge.Lately, I’ve been reading books outside of my typical fun zone, and accidentally discovered another way to study characters.

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